point   General information

Conference aims and scope:
  •   modelling and simulation of mechanical, mechatronic and biomechanical systems,
  •   design of mechanical, mechatronic, biomechanical and robotic systems,
  •   experimental methods in mechanics, electronic, mechatronics, biomechanics and robotics.

All submitted papers should be written in English. Each paper will be peer-reviewed by 3 reviewers and conference chairman. Specialized reviewers are selected by Technical committee members. A paper will be accepted provided that reviewers and the chairman recommend it for being published.
Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for being published elsewhere or in press elsewhere, and that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language without prior written consent of publisher. Plagiarism or self-plagiarism is not allowed. If any form of plagiatorism occurs, paper will be rejected and we will not permit its author or a co-author to register or submit a paper to any future MMaMS conference. Shall any plagiarism be detected later, the paper may also be retracted from journal online web site. If plagiarism is found, the conference chairman will contact the author's institute and funding agencies.
It is not allowed for papers to contain any libelous, unlawful or otherwise actionable matter. Papers must include appropriate warnings concerning any particular hazards that may be involved in carrying out any of the procedures or experiments described in the papers or involved in the use of instructions, materials, or formulas in the papers.
Only papers that meet this above mentioned criteria will be published in journal Procedia Engineering – ISSN 1877-7058. A paper will be published in journal Procedia Engineering provided that it was presented on the conference as an oral presentation or in the poster session with personal attendance.

Language of contributions: English
Language of the conference: Slovak, Czech, English, Polish

Important deadlines:
  •   registration and submission of abstracts: April 23, 2012
  •   contribution acceptance note: April 23, 2012
  •   full paper submission: June 01, 2012
  •   payment of conference fees: July 02, 2012
  •   conference MMaMS 2012: November 6th - 8th, 2012

Main conference fee:  380 €
The fee includes publishing costs of one conference paper and lodging together with board of one participant during the conference. Conference fee value may change depending on the number of contributions or accompanying persons. 150 € is to be paid for every additional contribution.

Bank connection:    Slovenská sporiteľňa, SLSP II. MP, Štúrova 5, Košice
Account Owner: Pobocka SHS pri HF TU v Kosiciach
Account No.: 0082125228/0900
Constant Symbol: 0308
Variable Symbol: 097
IBAN: SK28 0900 0000 0000 8212 5228
In order to identify the payment, it is needed to write the name of a participant in the payer’s note!

Lodging: Hotel Poštár, Zemplínska Šírava, Slovakia
The conference is supported by following projects:
ERDF - Research and Development Operational Programme ITMS: 26220120060
Centrum výskumu riadenia technických, environmentálnych a humánnych rizík pre trvalý rozvoj produkcie a výrobkov v strojárstve.

VEGA 1/0937/12
Vývoj netradičných experimentálnych metód pre mechanické a mechatronické sústavy.

VEGA 1/1205/12
Numerické modelovanie mechatronických sústav.

VEGA 1/0289/11
Využitie experimentálnych metód pri vývoji metodík identifikácie a predikcie porúch nosných prvkov mechanických sústav.

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November 5, 2012
Procedings of the MMaMS 2012 is now online here.
Procedia Engineering vol.48 (2012)
ISSN 1877-7058
    Papers Publishing
Ratio between accepted papers and submitted papers is 23,8%.
Procedia engineering  Elsevier

(c) Katedra aplikovanej mechaniky a mechatroniky, Strojnícka fakulta, TU v Košiciach 2012.
Created by Ing. Róbert Huňady, PhD.,  Translated by Ján Želonka.