General information
The conference is supported by following projects:
ITMS: 26220120060 Centre for research of control of technical, environmental and human risks for permanent development of production and products in mechanical engineering
VEGA 1/0265/10 The increase of load capacity of construction parts through application of numeric and experimental mechanics methods
VEGA 1/0289/11 The use of experimental methods in development of identification methodology and breakdown prediction of supporting members.
Conference objectives:
• modelling and simulation of mechanical, mechatronic and biomechanical systems,
• drafting of mechanical, mechatronic and biomechanical systems,
• experimental methods in mechanics, mechatronics and biomechanics.
Thematic sections:
• mechanics,
• mechatronics,
• biomechanics.
Language of contributions: English
Language of the conference: Slovak, Czech, English, Polish
Contributions to the conference will be published as one revised collection in electronic form on CD. We will make an effort to place the contributions into SciVerse Scopus database.
Important deadlines:
• registration and submission of abstracts: June 19, 2011
• decision on abstract acceptance: June 27, 2011
• full paper submission: August 07, 2011
• payment of conference fees: August 07, 2011
• conference MMaMS 2011: September, 20. - 22. 2011
Hotel lodging takes place directly in a recreational facility in Herľany.
Basic conference fees:
200 EUR*
The fee includes publishing costs of one contribution article and lodging together with board of one participant during the conference. Conference fee value may change depending on duration of a stay, number of contributions and accompanying persons.
*after deadline for payment (August 07, 2011) 220 EUR
Bank connection: Slovenská sporiteľňa, SLSP II. MP, Štúrova 5, Košice
Account Owner: Pobocka SHS pri HF TU v Kosiciach
Account No.: 0082125228/0900
Constant Symbol: 0308
Variable Symbol: 097
IBAN: SK28 0900 0000 0000 8212 5228
In order to identify the payment, it is needed to write the name of a participant in the payer’s note!