General information
The conference was supported by following scientific projects:
VEGA 1/4163/07 Analýza pružných a plastických vlastností tenkostenných nosných prvkov pri rovinnej napätosti.
VEGA 1/0004/08 Inovácia metodík experimentálneho a numerického modelovania mechanických a mechatronických sústav s cieľom vybudovania centra excelentnosti experimentálnych metód mechaniky.
VEGA 1/0201/08 Výskum štruktúr a správania sa modulov mechatronickej mobilnej technickej sústavy na úrovni orgánov a stavebných prvkov za účelom zlepšenia vlastnosti mobilnej technickej sústavy.
Conference main topics:
• modelling and simulation of mechanical, mechatronic and biomechanical systems,
• concept and design of the mechanical, mechatronic and biomechanical systems,
• measurement and experimental methods in mechanics, mechatronics and biomechanics.
Language of contributions: English
Language of the conference: Slovak, Czech, English, Polish
Contributions to the conference will be published in electronic form on CD and in printed form in the journal METALURGIJA/METALLURGY vol. 49, no. 2/2010.
Important deadlines:
• registration and submission of abstracts: June 20th, 2009
• decision on abstract acceptance: June 23rd, 2009
• full paper submission: July 7th, 2009
• conference MMaMS 2009: September, 22. - 24. 2009
Board and lodging:
Board and lodging takes place directly in a recreational place Hotel Eurobus, Zemplínska Šírava, Slovakia.
Basic conference fees:
Maximum standard payment: 300,-EUR
Bank connection: Slovenská sporiteľňa, SLSP II. MP, Štúrova 5, Košice
Account Owner: Branch of SMS at Faculty of Metallurgy TU Košice, Slovakia
Account No.: 0082125228/0900
Constant Symbol: 0308
Variable Symbol: 097
IBAN: SK28 0900 0000 0000 8212 5228
In order to identify the payment, it is needed to write the name of a participant in the payer’s note!
(c) Katedra aplikovanej mechaniky a mechatroniky, Strojnícka fakulta, TU v Košiciach 2009 - 2024. Created by Ing. Róbert Huňady, PhD.